
Getting Prepared

TuCluster is a distributed/cloud service for running flood models. A typical setup will have at least 2 hardware servers: One server on which the TuCluster API runs and one or more ‘worker nodes’ which are responsible for running Anuga/Tuflow and receiving tasks. (For local development, you will typically install everything onto your single development computer.)

Setting Up The Main Server

You will need to install `Redis<>`_ and `MongoDB<>`_. Redis is a message queue which will pass instructions from your main server to each worker node. MongoDB is a NoSQL database which will store metadata about your models.

After installation of Redis and MongoDB, you can go ahead and install TuCluster:

To install the latest stable release, run this command in your terminal:

$ pip install tucluster

If you don’t have pip installed, this Python installation guide can guide you through the process.

Note that TuCluster is only compatible with Python 3.5 and above. We recommend installing into a virtualenv.

Setting up the Workers

For each worker we will install:

  • TuCluster (tucluster contains both the main server API and the celery worker application. We will use different commands to start running the different apps)

You can install Tucluster as above (if your worker node and main server are the same, there is no need to install twice!)


In order to run ANUGA without conflicts with Tucluster library, TuCluster expects that ANUGA is installed into a conda environment called ‘anuga’.

  1. Install Miniconda on each of your worker nodes. (
  2. Create a new environment and install the dependencies:
    ` conda create -n anuga python=2 pip nomkl nose numpy scipy matplotlib netcdf4 source activate anuga conda install -c pingucarsti gdal export GDAL_DATA=`gdal-config --datadir` `
  3. Clone Anuga to a suitable location on the worker: git clone
  4. cd into the anuga directory and install:
    ` python build sudo python install `

It should be noted that all the nodes in the cluster (workers and server) should have a common file system in which the modelling data and results will be placed.